Gallery Walk: Middletown Connecticut MHS Graduates 1909

See also: Nathanial While school 1902

[Gallery 1] [Gallery 2] [Gallery 3] [Gallery 4] [Gallery 5] [Gallery 6] [Gallery 7]

Members of Middletown High class of 1909
Lillian Austin, C. Everett Bacon (Class president), Clarence Bengston, Carlton Buell, Sylvester Butler, Erma Gilbert
Theodore Greene, Irene Halligan, Church Hubbard, Catherine Hubbard, Guy Hubbard, Vernon Kahrman
Lottie Norton, Benjamin Luntz, Sydney Marble, Howard Merrill, Earl Nettleton, Ruth Wilson

Sylvester Butler later became a teacher at Middletown High School, in the school year 1919 - 1920.